Corn Services
- Corn Germination
- Corn Vigor - 40F or 50F Cold
- Corn Vigor - 50F Saturated Cold
- Corn Vigor - Accelerated Aging (AA)
- Corn Herbicide Traits
- Corn Insect Traits
- Corn Adventitious Presence (GMO)
- Corn Genetic Purity
- Corn Purity and Noxious Weed Examination
- Corn Pericarp Damage
- Corn Winter Grow Outs
- Corn Seed Count
- Corn Tetrazolium
- Waxy Corn Testing

Herbicide Bioassay tray test. Five pink seeds in the front and 5 green seeds in the back are check seeds.
Herbicide Bioassay – Used for trait confirmation on 400 seeds. Seeds imbibe herbicide solution over a seven-day test. Each tray positive and negative trait check seeds planted to ensure accurate rate of herbicide has been applied.
Adventitious Presence (AP) or (Unintended presence) percent- Used to determine if GMO free seed is contaminated. A herbicide bioassay on 400-2400 seeds is utilized. Each tray contains positive and negative trait check seeds used to demonstrate an accurate rate of herbicide and non-tolerance symptoms.
Seedling Spray Over – Two hundred corn seeds are grown to the two leaf stage and then sprayed using a DeVries Track Sprayer. Positive and negative check references are used and test is evaluated 7-10 days after herbicide application.
Glyphosate and Glufosinate herbicides are utilized in testing.
What is Reported
For the herbicide bioassay the percentage of normal, abnormal, dead and trait seedlings are reported.
In the AP test, the percentage of trait seedlings is reported.
Seedling Spray over includes the normal and trait percentage.
Value of Results
Trait confirmation of herbicide tolerance is required by the trait license provider. Adventitious Presence (AP) testing detects the presence of unintended traits, alerting seed owner to potential concerns in end use markets.
Seedling spray over test emulates applications to seedling when seed imbibition of the herbicide active ingredient may not be providing satisfactory results.
Resources & Research
40F Cold Test for Early Planted Corn
Adventitious Presence (AP) Testing of Seed or Grain
Bulk Electrical Conductivity Test
Corn Pericarp Damage & Starter Fertilizers
Maize Hybrid Purity Testing Services
PCR Confirmation of Non-Trait Seeds/Seedlings
Standardizing Corn Terminology
Agronomically Accurate Seed Testing Results
SoDak Lab's goal is to deliver fast, accurate, and diagnostic seed testing services.