Corn Services
- Corn Germination
- Corn Vigor - 40F or 50F Cold
- Corn Vigor - 50F Saturated Cold
- Corn Vigor - Accelerated Aging (AA)
- Corn Herbicide Traits
- Corn Insect Traits
- Corn Adventitious Presence (GMO)
- Corn Genetic Purity
- Corn Purity and Noxious Weed Examination
- Corn Pericarp Damage
- Corn Winter Grow Outs
- Corn Seed Count
- Corn Tetrazolium
- Waxy Corn Testing

Corn seed shaken over a slotted screen for purity testing
Purity and Noxious weed seed examination or Other Seed determination can be conducted using the Association Official Seed Analysts (ASOA) or International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) testing methods. 1,000 grams should be tested to meet ISTA requirements.
What is Reported
Pure seed, inert matter (broken seeds, cobs), other crop seed and weed seed are reported with the number of seeds per pound. Any USA noxious weed seeds are reported separately.
Value of Results
Assures customer of clean pure seed free of undesirable seeds. Required for the seed label in accordance with Federal Seed Act.
Resources & Research
40F Cold Test for Early Planted Corn
Adventitious Presence (AP) Testing of Seed or Grain
Bulk Electrical Conductivity Test
Corn Pericarp Damage & Starter Fertilizers
Maize Hybrid Purity Testing Services
PCR Confirmation of Non-Trait Seeds/Seedlings
Standardizing Corn Terminology
Agronomically Accurate Seed Testing Results
SoDak Lab's goal is to deliver fast, accurate, and diagnostic seed testing services.