Corn Services
- Corn Germination
- Corn Vigor - 40F or 50F Cold
- Corn Vigor - 50F Saturated Cold
- Corn Vigor - Accelerated Aging (AA)
- Corn Herbicide Traits
- Corn Insect Traits
- Corn Adventitious Presence (GMO)
- Corn Genetic Purity
- Corn Purity and Noxious Weed Examination
- Corn Pericarp Damage
- Corn Winter Grow Outs
- Corn Seed Count
- Corn Tetrazolium
- Waxy Corn Testing

The 50F saturated cold germination test is a high stress vigor test. In this 10 day test, seed is placed embryo down onto cold 10C saturated soil and kept at 10C for seven days in an anaerobic environment. The 25C grow out period lasts three days or 100 GDD (Growing Degree Days). Saturated cold testing emulates imbibitional chilling shock and low oxygen micro-climate similar to planting at 50F soil temperature and receiving significant rain immediately after planting. See our resource Saturated Cold Test Evolution for more information.
What is Reported
Normal and abnormal seedling, dead and slow normal or UV (uniformity varies) are recorded.
Value of results
SoDak Labs reports saturated cold results different than other labs. We separate the normal into "strong" (normal) and "UV" (slow normal). This separation can help identify inventory that may be slowly losing seed quality.
Resources & Research
40F Cold Test for Early Planted Corn
Adventitious Presence (AP) Testing of Seed or Grain
Bulk Electrical Conductivity Test
Corn Pericarp Damage & Starter Fertilizers
Maize Hybrid Purity Testing Services
PCR Confirmation of Non-Trait Seeds/Seedlings
Standardizing Corn Terminology
Agronomically Accurate Seed Testing Results
SoDak Lab's goal is to deliver fast, accurate, and diagnostic seed testing services.